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04.08.2011 20:47
Категория: Транспорт
Город: РФ

The ice has broken? Russia going to build three nuclear submarines until 2020

Until 2020, Russia will build three nuclear-powered icebreaker. This was on July 7 in an international conference in St. Petersburg, said Deputy Minister of Transport and Victor Olersky. According to him, who cited Russian media, the end of 2011 the Ministry of Transport has announced a competition for the construction of icebreakers, which will be attended by the St. Petersburg company. Construction of nuclear-powered ships could begin as early as 2012.

Recall, back in December last year, general director of the state corporation "Rosatom" Sergey Kiriyenko said that the contract to build the first of three icebreakers the next generation can be placed as early as 2011. We are talking about the brain nuclear icebreaker, designed for operation in high seas and in the mouths of large rivers.

In early July, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said that the Ministry of Finance has approved funding for the construction of three nuclear-powered icebreakers. At the same time, he noted that ice-breakers will be constructed at the facilities "of the United Shipbuilding Corporation" (USC), and instructed her head Roman Trotsenko decide where will be built icebreakers.

USC is the largest shipbuilding and ship repair company in Russia. It was established in 2007 and unites more than four dozen Russian companies and design bureaus. The corporation now consists of three regional centers: the Western Shipbuilding Center (St. Petersburg), Northern Center of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Severodvinsk) and Far East Center of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Vladivostok). USC 100 percent state-owned.

JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation," reported RIA "Novosti" with reference to the official representative of USC, is planning to build housing icebreakers at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg - an enterprise that is a corporation. Now solved the question of whether a tender for the construction of icebreakers, or order will be handed over to USC without competition.

Announced plans to build a series of nuclear and diesel-electric icebreakers correspondent of ITAR-TASS news agency said the president of USC Roman Trotsenko. According to him, "construction will take place at the Admiralty shipyards", although a number of finishing and installation of technically complex parts can be held in Helsinki, at the shipyard «Arctech Helsinki Shipyard» - a joint venture corporation with the Korean STX. "We will apply the new technologies of construction, as well as install the latest reactor unit" Rhythm-200 ", - explained Trotsenko.

According to plans, the complete assembly of ice-breakers will be in St. Petersburg. Then its course on diesel generators will go nuclear icebreakers in Murmansk, where the customer base - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Atomflot" - will be held to load nuclear fuel and will start physical reactors.

"Thus we solve the problem of environmental risks, ensuring that in St. Petersburg, nuclear fuel will not boot" - the head of USC. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of the program to build three icebreakers capacity of 60 MW each, and base their services will exceed 100 billion rubles.

According to Trotsenko, a program of building icebreakers six (including three diesel-electric) "will allow Russia to the next forty years to keep the leading position on Arctic development and strengthen the position of the leading maritime transit state of the host NSR."

Should be reminded at present the current nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet includes six icebreakers, including two small draft. But the calculations showed that for long-term transportation, instead of four or five nuclear-powered icebreakers of the "Arctic" only three universal dvuhosadochnyh. "This gives a gain in the cost of construction", - said the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko. However, he did not rule out a new series of ice breakers can be built and more than three. The construction period of one ship for five years.

Prepared by Igor Yagupov.

Автор DNK

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